We annually publish detailed financial information regarding the nonprofit in 990 tax forms and annual reports

is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt private foundation. Donor contributions can be deducted under Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code (to the extent allowed by law). Titcombs of Hawaii will refrain from providing advice about the tax or other treatment of gifts and will encourage donors to seek guidance from their own professional advisers to assist them in making their donations.

IRS Ruling Year: 2022

The US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) ruled that Titcombs of Hawaii is a tax-exempt Private Foundation under the 501(c)3 Internal Revenue Code.

Federal EIN: 88-2254433

Tax-exempt organizations can apply for an Eployer Identification Number (EIN). An EIN is a federal tax ID number for businesses, tax-exempt organizations and other entities.

Hawaii DCCA Recognition

The Hawaii DCCA (Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs) is responsible for the registration and management of all non-profit corporations in the state of Hawaii.

Attorney General Registration

Hawaii’s charitable solicitation law requires 501(c)3 organizations to register with the Hawaii Attorney Generalʻs Office.

IRS Annual Filings

As a tax exempt private foundation we file Form 990-PF. It is used to figure the tax based on investment income, and to report charitable distributions and activities.

Statement of Financial Position

The nonprofit statement of financial position is a report that shows a snapshot of an organization’s financial health.

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