What happened on our May 8, 2021, zoom call

Titcombs of Hawaii ‘ohana shared updates and next steps during a zoom meeting on Saturday, May 8, 2021 at 9:00 HST. Kaumualii Titcomb opened our meeting with a beautiful pule. Aunty Nani Kawaa emphasized the value of continuing our theme from the 2013 reunion- “Building Bridges From The Past to The Present into the Future.”

Samson Kama shared reunion site updates. For anyone new to the zoom call, they were informed that the 2022 Titcomb Family Reunion will be held July 1-3, 2022 at Mā‘ili Beach Park on O’ahu island.

Aunty Nani shared the importance of identifying kūpuna that are alive and those that have passed on within your ‘ohana up line. If you can identify kūpuna, please let us know so we may update any information we may or may not have.

The topic of protecting the Titcomb Family Cemetery on Kaua‘i island was discussed. One step that everyone ‘ohana member can take part in would be to fill out the Descendancy Claim Application and mail it back to the State of Hawaii. More information about this form can be found on the Titcomb Family Cemetery page and on the Resources page. The fillable form is pre-populated with the cemetery and ownership specific information. You would need to fill in your personal information including your direct connection to Charles and Kanikele Titcomb. Mahalo to Amy Warren for providing cemetery and ownership information. Mahalo to Samson and Kanani Kama for providing a template and a copy of the Royal Patent (attached to the pdf form).

‘Ohana members on the zoom call wanted to know where they can help. They wanted to know how they can sign up to help. As a result a reunion team sign up form was created. Current teams include- the venue/site team led by Samson and Kanani Kama, the cultural team lead by Aunty Lei Mokihana Kama, the Titcomb family cemetery team led by Amy Warren and the history/research team led by Ku’ulei Wilton. Administrative teams were carried over from the 2013 planning group that includes registration, fiscal and website coordination.

We are most happy to announce the official re-launch of the Titcombs of Hawaii website. The original launch happened prior to the 2013 Titcomb Family Reunion. During the call ‘ohana were able to log into the re-launched website. Our intention is that the website will become a valuable resource to our ‘ohana keeping in touch, sharing ancestral and historical information and hub for planning future events. A new feature for the 2022 reunion will be the ability to register online. We will continue to have mail-in fillable registration forms that can be downloaded from the website. The registration team is finalizing the online and mail-in process. As soon as it is ready we will make the announcement online, social media and via email. Please share the website address with your ‘ohana and have them register for online access.

The next zoom call will take place on Saturday, June 12, 2021 at 9:00 am (HST). Here is the zoom link: Zoom meeting link .

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